Real Time Objects & Systems, LLC
We license usage of our patented "EXtensible Realtime Application Environment" (XRAE) to our customers. RTOS has successfully created a library of reusable software and hardware assets, from source code to test plans to test results thus eliminating much of the time and cost associated with creating high quality real time control products. New products have been created in as little as 8 man weeks from concept to product release.
Portable software objects are provided in the 'C' programming language where functionality is documented in the "Programmers Guide". To reduce development time the software interface to every function of every software object is exactly the same, enabling rapid interconnection of object functions within grahpical software schematics to create product functionality. All product functionality, whether user accessible or not, utilize the same objects significantly reducing product development and future support costs.
Since tsted sofware objects and UAPs are provided in the 'C' progarmming language they are portable across hardware platforms. When "Driver Objects" are ported to different platforms some modification is required depending upon the type of CPU selected for its hardware interfaces. None of the ported core objects or UAPs require modficaiton since the hardware interfaces of the Driver Objects never change.
Our patented network interface is shared by all networks we support which then enables products to be easily modified to support different networks with minor modificaiton. Since the network behaviors are defined in visible User Applicaiton Programs a device is easily modified to support request/response, peer, cyclic, change of state or any other desired behavior. The content of messages are easily modified to meet the needs of any application, where contents are often changed to debug the operation of the target device during product development. Captured network messages are then imported into excel and graphically plotted to readily view device behavior and system operation.
User Application Programs
(Software Schematics)
Every software function of every software object is represented by a graphical icon, where these graphical icons are interconnected to create multiple software schematics (called User Application Programs) that determine the operation of your control device. The internal product UAP source code utilizes a "one to one" mapping of the interconnection of the object icons to a specific function call, often enabling creation of product functionality by "software illiterate" individuals.. UAPs common to all products are provided by RTOS, such as Power Up, Fault Logging, Power Down, Sending Messages, Receiving Messages, and so on to further simplify product and system development efforts.
XRAE is utilized in simple stand alone products, like a trailer brake light controller, to more complex high perfromance products like antilock braking systems and trailer sway controllers, tank gauging systems, including various display devices, network routers and gateways. In addition to traditional consulting services we also utilize various product liceinsing arrangements, including developing the product our customer then manufactures, markets and sells and then provides RTOS a percentage of sales in return for our development expenses and continued product support. In many cases we are our customers sole product develeopment department. We often consult with our customer's engineers on their first XRAE product to facilitate efficient technology transfer and then radically reduce our consulting services on the following products since the XRAE learning curve is relatively short.